English, asked by buggi94, 1 year ago

the road not taken summary


Answered by abhishekmurumkar77

Well, the famous American poet, Robert Frost, once wrote a poem that describes this feeling exactly. 'The Road Not Taken', first published in 1916, is perhaps Frost's most famous poem. The final lines in particular, 'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference', are often quoted and referred to as inspirational words that challenge us to overcome obstacles in life.

The poem describes someone standing at a fork, or turning point, in a road in the woods, trying to decide which path he's going to take. He looks down one road as far as he can see, and after thinking for another minute, decides to take the other one because it looks like nobody's been that way yet, and he's curious about where it leads.

He thinks maybe he might come back another day and try out the other path but he has a feeling that the road he's chosen will lead him to new places and discoveries, and he probably won't be back. He thinks wistfully about that road, the road not taken, and where he might have wound up if he'd gone that way instead. Part of him regrets his decision, but he also realizes that the things he's seen and the places he's gone because of the direction he chose has made him who he is.

buggi94: thats great
pragnasura: we can use care, love, patience as abstract noun fro parent.
Answered by Unknown000

In the examination, you need to write this answer in a paragraph but since writing in points helps us to memorize faster, we'll keep this answer in points and at the end, I'll even tell you how to write the same content in a paragraph.


● Deals with difficult situations that man faces in life.

● Talks about the choices we need to make.

● We regret for our decisions but we can't reverse them, once taken.

● Thus, the direction our life takes determines the choice made by us.


The poem, 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost deals with the difficult situations that a man faces in his life. It talks about the choices that one has to make in life and the consequences of such life. Many times we regret the choices made by us but whatever is done once, cannot be reversed. Decisions are like steps, one takes us to the other. Thus, whatever direction our life takes determines the choice made any us.

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