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Students play a vital role in eradication of corruption. I have personally experimented it as a part of the civil society working towards citizenship and integrity building exercise. Everyone understand corruption is not legal or right as per our own conscience. Still we resort to corruption as a shortcut means to achieve our desire to acquire or accumulate something. But values such as integrity forms the character and character build our habits. A student explore life afresh and scan everything around him to validate what is correct and not correct. This is the best time of life to give them the habit so that they can create a world without corruption or at least minimise it. Secondly, if one makes the student the ambassador of integrity and non-corruption, they would be the conscience keeper for their parents. The parents mostly resort to corrupt practices to benefit their children. If they themselves campaign for a non-corrupt world, this would dissuade them to be corrupt for temporary gains.
There are about 260 million students community in India. Just imagine, if you can make them the harbinger of a non-corrupt world what would be the impact on the nation. One student can reach to at least 5 adult members of the society either in the family or neighbour. All integrity building exercises should include children or students strategically to gain the maximum advantage.
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Student are unique element of society.the number is not much,but the history show that the dynamic of the nation can be separated from the role of students.But the role of students is very influential for the nation and nothing has changed from mahassiwa, namely, spirit and the role of students in this era is very important for the progress of our country.role if students must be able to understand and apply the value of anticorruption in everyday life.