English, asked by magrawal0296, 1 month ago

the roots of Ukraine war and its effect on humanity
national education policy 2020

speech on any one of them in 200 - 250 words​


Answered by ksairamprusty




ven Mikhail Gorbachev, "architect of In the perestroika," "godfather of glasnost," and "hope of the West," could not have imagined the e consequences of his brief, eventful presidency. In the end, his desperate pages, efforts to preserve the Soviet Union failed. He ended up as the last leader of the huge empire of communism. And now that the Soviet em- pire has bought the farm, 15 new countries have come into existence not in theory but in political, economic, and social reality.

These developments were so sudden and so surreal that the world often treats the new na tions as if they were in the realm of virtual re ality take the visor off and you can ignore them. In this issue of the Bulletin, journalists and specialists from even the most obscure of these new nations demonstrate that this is not so. Whether we understand or not, whether we approve or not, reality has shifted, and we ignore these new countries at our peril.

Let me run down list of armed political and ethnic conflicts just in the 10 nations we treat in this issue. (We have eliminated Russia and Kazakhstan, which the Bulletin visited in the January/February and October 1993 is sues, respectively. And to simplify our task at bit, we are not treating the Baltic states, which

next 43 journalists from 10 "new" countries describe their nations' costly struggles

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