The `S-O-S` bonds in the trimer of SO3 are X and number of Ppi-dpi bonds are Y.Report your answer as X+Y
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Lone pairs= (1/2)×(valence electrons - bonding electrons)
σ bonds= no. of surrounding atoms
π bonds= (no. of oxygen atoms) - (no. of negative charge)
Hybridization = σ bonds + no. of lone pairs
Now, no. of pπ-pπ bonds= no. of unhybridised p orbitals left
pπ-dπ bonds will be formed when π bonds are more than the no. of unhybridised p orbitals left. First pπ-pπ bonds are formed after that pπ-dπ if there are not enough p orbitals left for mutiple bond formation.
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