.The sacle of toposheet is
1 cm=
100m on the land
thanks alot!!!!
Map scale refers to the relationship (or ratio) between distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground. For example, on a 1:100000 scale map, 1cm on the map equals 1km on the ground.
Map scale is often confused or interpreted incorrectly, perhaps because the smaller the map scale, the larger the reference number and vice versa. For example, a 1:100000 scale map is considered a larger scale than a 1:250000 scale map.
Geoscience Australia has complete 'small scale' reference map coverage of Australia at scales of 1:2.5, 5, 10 and 20 million. We maintain a complete national topographic map and data coverage at 1:1 million and 1:250000 scale. We have an incomplete map and data coverage at 1:100000 and 1:50000 scales. We also produce digital products for several of these categories as well as a number of themed maps.