Math, asked by dakshayanisriman, 8 months ago

The salary of a person is Rs.3000/- per month. Provident fund is deducted at 8% of the salary. Out of the remaining salary, he spends 20% on house rent, 20% on education, 40% on food and 10% on transportation. The remaining amount he saves. What amount does he save?


Answered by Bhaveshpandit134

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Sarita salary per month = ₹32000

Provident Fund:

1) provident fund = 32000 x 10/100 = ₹ 3200


Remaining salary-

32000 - 3200 = ₹28800

2) On food -

28,800 x 46/100 = ₹13248.


3) On house rent -

28,800 x 20/100 = ₹5760.


4) On education -

28,800 x 14/100 = ₹4032.

Given: 10% expenses:

28,800 x 10/100 = 2880


5) savings -

13248 + 5760 + 4032 + 2880= 25920

= 28,800 - 25920 = ₹2880

She saves ₹2880 per month.

Answered by sacchitara6


Expenditure on food + Expenditure on house rent + Expenditure on Entertainment + Expenditure on conveyance = Monthly Expenditure

i.e. 40% + 20% + 10% + 10% = 80%

Therefore, Radha's monthly expenses are 80% of her salary.

i.e. 100% - Monthly expenses = Monthly saving

So, 100% - 80% = 20%

Hence, Radha saving is 20% of her Monthly Salary … (1)

Radha's saving at the end of the month is 1500 rupees … ( given)(2)

So, Radha's Monthly Saving is 20%(from point 1) and her Monthly Saving is 1500( from point 2)

1500 rupees is 20% saving of Radha's Monthly Salary so 10% saving of Radha's salary is 750 rupees

i.e. 10% of Radha's Monthly saving × 10 = Radha's Monthly Salary.

750 × 10 = 7500 rupees

Therefore Radha's Monthly Salary is 7500 rupees.

Step-by-step explanation:


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