English, asked by viratkholi42545, 3 months ago

The saving of certain wild animals from extinction has for many years been a problem

for zoologists and other specialists; but more recently the problem has become so

acute, and has received so much publicity, that most people are now concerned

about it. This may at first seem strange because one of the most gratifying

developments of the last few years has been the passing of strict laws to protect wild

animals and the consequent decline in the hunting of big-game for sport. Why is it,

then that some rare wild animals are still threatened with extinction and even some

of the lesser rare ones are rapidly declining in number? One reason is the ‘march of

civilisation’.When an area is wholly cleared of vegetation to make room for new

towns, factory sites or hydroelectric plants, the natural home of several species is

destroyed. The displaced must either migrate to another area or perish. Even the

clearing of land for a road or an airfield may involve ‘pushing back’ the jungle’ and the smaller the area in which wild animals

compete for a living the smaller the number that can hope to survive. Civilization

brings, too, swift and easy transport and so assists those who are determined to

break the various protective laws. Thieves can elude the game wardens, shoot an

elephant for its tusks, a rhinoceros for its horn, or a deer for its meat and be miles

away from the site of the crime before the dead or dying victim is even discovered. It

is sad to reflect that civilisation, which can bring so many benefits to people who

have previously known only hunger and misery, brings also facilities for the heartless

criminals who, for only material gain, will slaughter some harmless animals and

threaten the disappearance of its kind from the earth forever.

a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage one word

answers for short phrases will be accepted:- [3]

i) Gratifying

ii) Consequent

iii) Declining

b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words:-

i) How does modern transport threaten the survival of wild animals. [2]

ii) What is sad reflection that the Arthur makes in the last paragraph of the

passage. [1]

c) In not more than 50 words of your own mention ways in which the ‘March of

Civilization’ threatens to make certain rare wild animals extinct. [4]

4) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:- [4]

a) Pronunciation varies __________ region to region.

b) I thought I wouldn't like the film but was carried _________ by the intriguing


c) The waves washed ________the beach.

d) The waves washed ________all signs of the wreck.

e) The water rushed out _________a crack in the dam.

f) Printed _________ the poster in large ,broad letters was the word ‘wanted’.

g) Write this down _________ your notebook.

h) The students were asked to fall __________ line.​


Answered by rvz32116



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