The scene unfolds while Shakyamuni Buddha and Ananda encounter 2 boys, Virtue
Victorious and Invincible. The boy Virtue Victorious had nothing to offer to the
Buddha and he made a mud pie out of his sincere desire as an offering. The Buddha
then predicted that Virtue Victorious will be reborn as King Ashoka 200 years later
and Invincible will be reborn as his Queen.
Proper Noun : 1. ……………. 2. …………………
Common Noun: 1. …………….. 2. …………………
Abstract Noun : 1. ……………… 2. …………………..
Verb : 1. ……………….. 2. …………………..
Preposition: 1. ……………. 2. …………………
Answered by
proper noun - 1) Shakyamuni Buddha 2) Ashoka (exrtra - virtue victorious , invincible)
common noun- 1) Boy 2) king ( extra- queen,
abstract noun- 1)sincere 2) desire
verb-1) predicted 2) unfold (extra- offer, reborn )
preposition - 1) of 2) to
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