The school system often curbs individual talents. Discuss.
Going by the story, the school system focused on learning facts and dates rather than focusing on ideas. Instead of celebrating the fact that they had such a brilliant student among them, Albert was expelled from school by the head teacher. This shows how the school was only interested in imparting bookish knowledge to the children. This form of education exists even now when the talents of the children are sidelined and only their grades and marks are given a consideration. The school system is such that brilliant students like Albert are considered incompetent and unfit rebels whose presence makes it impossible for the teacher to teach other students.
The modern education system does not leave any space for a child to nurture his/her individual talent. They are all burdened with rote-learning which is measured by grades. This kind of system is almost claustrophobic for individual talent and a hindrance to the holistic development of a child.