The schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen atom is
Talk about a tall order. Obviously (?) this will be an obscenely long answer. More like a tome.
Note that each wave function component given as part of the overall wave function is unnormalized, except for when explicit expressions are presented.
Separation of variables into r and (θ,ϕ)
Separation of variables of (θ,ϕ) into θ and ϕ
Solving the ϕ part
Solving the θ part
Putting together the ϕ and θ parts
"Solving" the r part
Putting together the overall wave function
I would hope you know that you only need to know how to use the wave functions (how to normalize them, how to show they are orthogonal, how to find the radial and angular nodes, etc), and maybe kind of know basic steps of the following derivation.
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