The scientist said that the ‘Wellwarm’ material is the best insulator. Select the material which was ‘Wellwarm’. Use the results to help you. Use the evidence in the results table to explain your choice.
That heat flows from hot to cold is an unavoidable truth of life. People have put a lot of effort into stopping this natural physical behaviour, however, all they have been able to do is slow the process. Student teams investigate the properties of insulators in their attempts to keep cups of water from freezing, and once frozen, to keep them from melting.
Temperature regulation is important in many aspects of engineering. Packaging engineers design containers and systems to be able to reliably ship items at specific temperatures. Mechanical engineers make sure that working engines do not overheat and electrical and computer engineers design electronics so that they do not overheat. Civil engineers specify the most suitable insulating materials for the climates where their structures reside. Temperature regulation applies an understanding of the principles of heat transfer, which is relevant in almost all engineering disciplines.