The Secretary, Sarasvati Vihar Welfare Society, wants to caution the residents against the misuse of water in summer due to
acute water shortage. Draft a notice for him in about 50 words.
.... Notice ....
Sarasvati Vihar Welfare Society, Mumbai
June 1, 2021
Dear residents,
With deep regret we are here to say that there is shortage of water in our society. Please have patience we will contact municipal corporation and will provide you all more water soon. Till then we humbly request you all to use the water in a limited way.
Do not misuse water until the problem is resolved.
Thank you ,
Required Notice :
Sarasvati Vihar Welfare Society
3 June'2021
'Water Shortage in Summers'
This is to inform all the residents of our society that as we all know summers are about to come and we are facing water shortage. I thereby request you all to minimize the misuse of water these days as we may not get water for drinking also in upcoming weeks. We, the welfare team will try our best to provide water so please co-operate in this situation.
[ Secretary ]
Format :
[ Note : To see the format of the notice go on ]