English, asked by privacylantern, 1 year ago

The sentence below is from an image caption. How should the phrase in square brackets be rephrased? The answer is case sensitive and an example of how to respond has been provided first. Only provide the rephrased words, not the whole sentence.

For example: for the phrase 'People standing in [bank line]', the section in brackets makes more sense in the surrounding context as 'a line at the bank'. Therefore, the correct answer is 'a line at the bank'.

Teenagers sitting in a cafe in [Melbourne city of Australia.]


Answered by senathpathmiraba


teenagers  sitting  in  a  cafe  in  city  of  Melbourne  in  Australia.  


If  they  are  doing  the  action  right  now,  there  should  be  the  auxiliary  verb  "are"  before  sitting,  or  if  they  are  some  teenagers  sitting  in  the  cafe  there  should  be  a  "who"  before  the  auxiliary  "are".

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