The seven consecutive squares are 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225 with its digits sums to a square numbers: Let us find another set of seven consecutive squares with same property
The seven consecutive squares are 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225 with its digits sums to a square numbers: Let us find another set of seven consecutive squares with same property
The given question is The seven consecutive squares are 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, and 225 with their digits sums to a square number:
we have to find another set of seven consecutive squares with the same property
The square numbers and addition of their digits are
81 =8+1=9
121= 1+2+1=4 etc...
likewise, all the seven consecutive numbers have their digits whole sum is equal to a square number.
we have to find another set of consecutive numbers .they are
1001. = 1002001. = 4
1002. = 1004004. = 9
1003 = 1006009. = 16
1004. = 1008016. = 16
1005. = 1010025. = 9
Only 5 consecutive numbers are having the same property.
The numbers between 100/and 1000 there are some of the consecutive numbers having the same property but only 3 or 4 consecutive numbers are there.
These consecutive numbers have the same property as the given question
# spj2
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