The Shopping experience in 300 words
Retail companies have a marvellous machine for creating a “shopping experience”: the store. ... The key lies in giving this experience a meaning, i.e. performing a certain “score” that customers and employees can relate to, a “score” that makes the store unique and preferred by its shoppers for non-traditional reasons.
A whole day of shopping is the dream of every girl, especially the young ones, and the
nightmare of parents, boyfriends and men in general. Going shopping is something very important,
and almost necessary for some people, but what's the best place to go and do it?
Nowadays, shopping malls are very big and beautiful, full of shops and places where
men can have a rest and children can have some fun, while mums and girlfriends are wasting their
salaries. Moreover, in shopping malls shops close at 10 p.m. and are open also on Sunday, so also
people that work all week can go there. The bad things are that in shopping malls there is
always air conditioning, which is something that really annoys me, and there are no places where
people can meet and have a conversation.
The best thing about going shopping downtown is surely the fact that we can walk in the
open air and that we can see monuments while going from one shop to another. On the other hand,
being in the open air has negative aspects, for example when it rains or snows it becomes
impossible to do some shopping without getting stressed or ill!
In conclusion, I prefer going shopping in shopping malls just because there you can have
a walk and relax : there are no cars honking at you and no sidewalks full of stressed people that
push you because they are late! What chaos!........