English, asked by Dikambaran, 6 months ago

The shutdown of all educational institutes due to the rapid spread of coronavirus has impacted the entire education sector around the world. It paves the way for online education to become an effective tool to cope with the current scenario. Write a debate on the topic “Is online education good or bad?” in 120 - 150 words either for or against the motion. You are Payal/Pranav, Springfields School, Pune.


Answered by wajahatkincsem


Online education was a trend that became more of a necessity after the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • It has both pros and cons. The pros depend on the availability of tech-based classrooms as well as the well-rounded learning environment online.
  • I believe that with online education, students from remote areas can easily get an education while sitting at home.
  • They don't have to bear the expense of coming to the cities, going to universities, and other transport expenses.  

Answered by Anonymous

Is online education good or bad?

For the motion :-

Good morning ! Honourable judges and worthy listeners . I am Payal from Springfield school, pune . My topic for the day is " Is online education good or bad ? " . So I choose to speak in favour of online education and I experienced it also . As we all know because of coranavirus all schools and universities are shut down and Online education is the only solution in this pandemic so that the learning of children should not stop .

Firstly, I would like to thank those people who create this opportunities for us . Online education offers to have a good result at low cost or free of cost. Online education has many advantages and has a great advantage in this pandemic.

Online education offers teacher's an efficient way to deliver lessons to students . Teacher's can conduct meëtiñgs , make videos, PDFs etc.

Online education allows children to attend classes from any location. Additionally, Online lectures can be recorded and shared which allows the students to access learning material at a time of their comfort. Online education is affordable and improved the student attendance because from any location they can attend the classes so there are very fewer chances of missing out lessons. Online education provides learning according to the will of children because some students prefer visual learning and some students want to study alone instead of studying in a group.

Online education has helped a lot in this pandemic and i know in future online education becomes a big platform for learning.

Thank you !

Against the Motion :-

Good morning !! Honorable judges and worthy listeners . I am pranav from Springfields school, Pune. So, Today topic of my debate is " Is online education good or bad " . So I choose to speak against the motion. As we all know that schools and universities are shut down so classes are held online just like schools. Online education affects the health of the children and even causing distraction . I know that coranavirus has stopped the learning of children but it doesn't mean that we will support online education because health is more important.

Firstly, I would make you guys clear that online education is good for short run but not for long run. Online education has so many disadvantages.

Schools are conducting all classes online so it will be very difficult for students to focus on the screen for a long time and if children tried to focus on screen for a long time then it causes eye pain, headache etc and children have to suffered a lot. Online classes are not possible to conduct in all areas like remote areas or in some urban areas because network connectivity is not so good . So children can't able to attend online classes , not able to clear their doûbťs and lack of continuity in learning it affects the studies of children. In online education there is very minimal interactions between teachers and students. Teachers are going with explanation and children turned off their cameras and audio and playing games so online education causes distraction. For conducting online education it requires skills and basic knowledge about digital forms of learning but all teachers are not well aware of these digital forms of learning and it will create challenges for teachers.

Online education is not good at all. Physical interaction between teachers and students is more important. Again I am saying online education is good in short run but not in long run

Thank you !!

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