The "silent wood" is compared to
Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal
A Silent Wood by Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal
‘A Silent Wood’ is a dark and powerful poem written by the model, artist, and writer Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal. The piece is four stanzas long, the first three of which are consistent in rhyme scheme, and line length. The rhyme scheme of these first three stanzas is AABB CCDD EEFF. The stanzas are each four lines long and each line is similar in length to the others. The fourth stanza is only two lines, but is the most important and revealing of the entire piece. The ending of these two lines also rhymes, giving this poem a solid and impactful conclusion.
A Silent Wood by Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal
Explore A Silent Wood
1 Summary2 Analysis of A Silent Wood3 About Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal
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