The Silver Ore Co. Ltd. was formed on 1.4.1997 with an authorized capital of Rs. 6,00,000 in shares of Rs. 10 each out of these 52,000 shares had been issued and subscribed but there were calls in arrears on 100 shares. From the following trial balance as on March 31, 1998, prepare statement of profit & loss and the Balance Sheet. Rs Rs Cash at bank Plant Mines Promotion expenses Advertising Cartage on plant Furniture & building Administrative expenses Repairs to plant Coal and oil Royalties paid Railways track & wagons Wages of miners Cash Investment-share of tin mines Brokerage on above 6%F.D. in syndicate bank 1,05,000 40,000 2,20,000 6,000 5,000 1,800 20,900 28,000 900 6,500 10,000 17,000 74,220 530 80,000 1,000 89,000 Share capital Sale of silver Interest on F.D.upto Dec 31 Dividend on investment 5,19,750 1,79,500 3,900 3,200 7,06,350 7,06,350 Adjustments (i) Deprecation plant and railways by 10%; furniture& Building by 5%. (ii) Write off one third of the promotion expenses Value of silver ore on march 1,1998 Rs.15,000 H3/U1/2N20(A) (iv) The directors forfeited on dec.20.1997, 100 shares on which only Rs.750 had been paid.
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The answer is a postbox/mailbox because if you remove a physical letter from it, it remains a mailbox; its meaning is still to hold letters. You can remove all the letters, but it will still be a mailbox
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The beggar (his name was Lushkoff) gives reason to Sergei (an advocate) for his telling lies that nobody give him anything if he tells the truths. So he tells lies to get some money as help
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