History, asked by roshansalam59, 2 months ago

“The slave owners adopted cruel methods to keep their slaves under subjection.” Justify the statement.​


Answered by nanakadam34

Slavery in ancient Rome played an important role in society and the economy. Besides manual labour, slaves performed many domestic services and might be employed at highly skilled jobs and professions. Accountants and physicians were often slaves. Slaves of Greek origin in particular might be highly educated. Unskilled slaves, or those sentenced to slavery as punishment, worked on farms, in mines, and at mills.

Roman mosaic from Dougga, Tunisia (2nd century  AD): the two slaves carrying wine jars wear typical slave clothing and an amulet against the evil eye on a necklace; the slave boy to the left carries water and towels, and the one on the right a bough and a basket of flowers.[1]

Captives in Rome, a nineteenth-century painting by Charles W. Bartlett

Slaves were considered property under Roman law and had no legal personhood. Most slaves would never be freed. Unlike Roman citizens, they could be subjected to corporal punishment, sexual exploitation (prostitutes were often slaves), torture and summary execution. Over time, however, slaves gained increased legal protection, including the right to file complaints against their masters.

One major source of slaves had been Roman military expansion during the Republic. The use of former enemy soldiers as slaves led perhaps inevitably to a series of en masse armed rebellions, the Servile Wars, the last of which was led by Spartacus. During the Pax Romana of the early Roman Empire (1st–2nd centuries AD), the emphasis was placed on maintaining stability, and the lack of new territorial conquests dried up this supply line of human trafficking. To maintain an enslaved workforce, increased legal restrictions on freeing slaves were put into place. Escaped slaves would be hunted down and returned (often for a reward). There were also many cases of poor people selling their children to richer neighbours as slaves in times of hardship.

Answered by tiwariakdi

The statement "The slave owners adopted cruel methods to keep their slaves under subjection" is justified by the historical record of slavery in many parts of the world.

Slavery has been a widespread institution throughout human history, and in many cases, it was enforced through violence and coercion.

In particular, during the transatlantic slave trade, which lasted from the 16th to the 19th century, millions of African people were forcibly taken from their homes and transported to the Americas to work on plantations.

Slaves were seen as property rather than human beings, and slave owners used a range of brutal methods to maintain control over them.

One of the most common methods was physical punishment.

Slaves who failed to work hard enough or who disobeyed their masters could be whipped, beaten, or even tortured.

This was often done in public to make an example of the slave and to intimidate others into compliance.

Slave owners also used the threat of violence to keep slaves in line, and some even went so far as to use deadly force against slaves who tried to escape.

Another method used by slave owners was psychological abuse.

Slaves were often subjected to verbal abuse and humiliation, and their families were often separated to prevent them from forming strong bonds.

This made it easier for slave owners to control their slaves, as they had no support system or network of allies.

Overall, the cruel methods used by slave owners were designed to keep slaves in a state of fear and subjection.

They were meant to reinforce the idea that slaves were property rather than human beings with rights and dignity.

While slavery has been abolished in most parts of the world, the legacy of this cruel institution continues to affect societies today.

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