The smallest fraction of 11/6,11/2,11/9,11/4
The smallest fraction here is 11/9...!!
11 / 6 , 11 / 2 , 11 / 9 , 11 / 4
To find
The smallest fraction !!
To compare the given fraction ,
11 / 6 , 11 / 2 , 11 / 9 , 11 / 4
All of the fractions have similar
numerator !!
Note : When numerators are same , denominators are different .. fraction with smallest denominator is the largest one and fraction with largest denominator is the smallest one .
Hence , 11/2 with smallest denominator is the largest fraction
and ,
11/9 with largest denominator is the smallest fraction .
More to know :-
Fraction is a part from whole .
ex. 1/2 , 3/4 , etc.
Proper Fractions : A fraction whose numerator is less than its denominator is called a proper fraction .
ex. 2/3 , 5/8 , 7/11 , etc are all proper fraction
Improper Fractions : A fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal to its denominator is called an improper fraction .
ex. 5/4 , 7/3 , 8/5 , 10/10 etc are all improper fraction
Mixed Fractions : A combination of a whole number and a proper fraction is called a mixed fraction .
ex. 2 whole 1/3 , etc.