the snake was killed with a stick active voice
Somebody killed the snake with a stick.
Extra Information :
We must know when to use the Active Voice and when to use the Passive : the ability to change the Active Voice into the Passive and vice versa is not sufficient.
The Active Voice is used when the agent is to be made prominent ; the Passive, when the person or thing acted upon is to be made prominent. The Passive is, therefore, generally preferred when the active form would involve the use of an indefinite or vague pronoun or noun (somebody, they, people, we etc.) as subject ; that is, when we do not know the agent or when it is clear enough who the agent is. Note that we use with (not by) to talk about an instrument used by the agent.
Example : I have been invited to their house. (passive)
=> They have invited me to their house. (active)