The social needs of man led to the rise of the state' - is it so ?
Arrange a talk on this topic in your classroom.
Our goal is to transform how children learn, what they learn, who they learn from.” (Mitchel Resnick, A Media Lab for Kids: $27 Million from Isao Okawa Creates Center for Future Children at MIT, MIT News. November 18, 1998.)
Our goal is to transform how children learn, what they learn, who they learn from.” (Mitchel Resnick, A Media Lab for Kids: $27 Million from Isao Okawa Creates Center for Future Children at MIT, MIT News. November 18, 1998.)I strongly believe that teaching is ART. Therefore, my first advice is to be a first-class artist on your stage (the classroom). It means, try to be different from others teachers in your environment, and engage your students to actively participate in lecture. Use a constructivist approach rather than objectivist in teaching