the sower poem title
The poem 'THE SOWER' is written by the famous French writer, Victor Hugo. He is well known for his poetry, drawing, novels and also famous journalist. He is famous among the Romanic writers. Notable works of Victor Hugo are; Cromwell (1827), Herani (1830), The Hunch Back of Notre-Dame(1831), Ruy Blas, Les Miserables (1862), Toilers of the Sea(1827), He was one of the Rationalist writer among the Russian writers. He was a passionate supporter of republicanism. He was honored in many ways, including his portrait being placed in French currency. He was buried in Pantheon in Paris.
Romantic features was one of the major factors which made Victor Hugo famous among his contemporaries. He proposed to deal with materials from common life in a selection of language used by the men. The poem titled The Sower is one among such works. According to the poet and the translator of the poem (Toru Dutt) poetry is not primarily a mirror of men in action, it is the poets own feelings while processing the composition. Poems come out of the real life situations that touched the poet’s heart. The remarkable use of landscapes, together with flora and fauna become the major theme of romantic poets.
Ø Analyses the poem from a critical point of view.
Ø Understands the theme and setting of the poem.
Ø Develop awareness about the word picture, rhyming schemes and alliteration.
Ø Learner will get exposure to the poet and his work.
Ø Comprehends the main ideas in the poem.
Ø Develops interest in the poem.
the man and the arman