"The spanish conquest and colonisation of america was decisively underway by the mid-16th century. Explain with examples.
\huge \text{Constitution }Constitution
✍ Constitution is a body of rules and regulations
✍ The root word of the term constitution is derived from the Latin word "Constitute" which means an act of establishing something or to frame are compose.
✍ In political Science, constitution means the basic structure, organisation of the state and government. It contains the fundamental principles of the government.
✍ It is essential for the internal and external security of the nation to maintain law and order and smooth running of administration.
✍ It regulated the arbitrary authority of the Government and helps for the development of the people.
✍ It is a standard of reference for the generations to come and acts as a mirror of the country.
The Spanish and Portuguese conquest and colonisation of America was decisively under way by the mid-sixteenth century. European conquest was not only a result of superior firepower. Infact, the most powerful weapon of the Spanish conquerors were not only conventional military weapon at all, It was germs such as smallpox, that they carried on their person. Because of their long isolation, America's inhabitants had no immunity against these diseases that came from Europe. Smallpox, once introduced, it spread deep into the continent. It killed whole communities, paving the way for conquest and colonisation.