The speed of light in a medium of refractive index n is ........., where c is the speed of light in vacuum.
Fill in the blank with following options.
The speed of light in a medium of refractive index n is n/c, where c is the speed of light in vacuum.
We know that
The index of refraction= (the speed of light in vacuum) × (the the speed of light in that substance)
or we can say n = v / c
where n = The index of refraction or refractive index
v = the the speed of light in that substance
c = the speed of light in vacuum
so the speed of the light would be c/n
The speed of light in a medium of refractive index n is c / v, where c is the speed of light in vacuum, speed of light by the material v.
In a vacuum, the speed of light is
c = 2.99792458.108 m / s
This speed of light in vacuum describes the relativity statements. If the light is in a vacuum, its speed has exactly this value, regardless of who is measuring it. Even if the vacuum is in a box of a rocket moving away from Earth, an astronaut on the rocket and a hypothetical observer on Earth measure the speed of light that passes through that box exactly at c. Nobody will measure faster speed.
In fact, it's the final speed limit for the universe. This does not mean that nothing moves faster than light. When light travels through different materials, it scatters molecules in the material and slows down. With some materials such as water, light slows down more than electrons. Therefore, an electron can move faster in water than light in water. But nothing travels faster than c. The amount of light retardation in a given material is described by the refractive index n. The refractive index of a material is defined by the speed of light in a vacuum c divided by the speed of light by the material v:
n = c / v
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