The Sports Club of ABC High School, Gurgaon, is organising a hiking-trekking expedition in Nepal. Draft a notice for the students of Classes IX-XII about the expedition giving all the details like dates, duration, charges, etc. (Word limit 50 words.)
Class 11
Answer- The above question is from the writing topic 'Notice Writing'.
Given question: The Sports Club of ABC High School, Gurgaon, is organising a hiking-trekking expedition in Nepal. Draft a notice for the students of Classes IX-XII about the expedition giving all the details like dates, duration, charges, etc. (Word limit: 50 words.)
Answer: (Please put the notice in a box.)
ABC School
4 July 2020
Hiking-Trekking Expedition
Attention! The Sports Club of the school is organising a hiking-trekking expedition for the students of classes IX-XII from 20 July 2020 to 23 July 2020 in Nepal. The students will reach Nepal and return Gurgaon by flight and will be accompanied by 4 school sport teachers after physical check-up. The cost of the expedition besides other charges is Rs. 15,000/- per student. Interested students can submit their names to their respective class teachers along with consent slip signed by parents latest by 10 July 2020. For more details, contact undersigned.