The Standard Meridian of India 82°30'E passes through Mirzapur, Allahabad but the Standard Meridian of U.A.E does not pass through U.A.E. Give reason.
The 'Standard Meridian' of India '82°30'E' passes through 'Mirzapur', 'Allahabad' but the 'Standard Meridian' of U.A.E does not pass through U.A.E, since compared to India, UAE is a small nation and doesn't have a vast longitudinal and follows Gulf standard time .
India is a huge country and has a 'vast longitudinal extent' and there is time lag difference between 'Arunachal Pradesh' and 'Gujarat'. The 'Standard Meridian of India 82°30'E' passing via Mirzapur, Allahabad as it passes through the 'centre of the nation' and 'divides' the country into equal halves. Whereas UAE is a small nation and doesn't have a vast longitudinal extent (60 degree east longitude and four hours ahead of GMT).
Furthermore, UAE has aligned its time with that of other Gulf nations and follows the Gulf’ standard time, thus the standard meridian of UAE does not pass through it.