The ......stands as a land barrier seprating India from rest of Asia
himalaya stands as a land barrier separating india from rest of Asia.
The Himalaya mountains extend for about 2,500 kilometers (1,550 miles), separating the Indian subcontinent from the rest of Asia. The Indian subcontinent, once connected to Africa, collided with the Eurasian continent about 50 million to 55 million years ago, forming the Himalayas.Introduction. The Indian subcontinent constitutes a distinctive geographic entity which is virtually cut off from the rest of Asia by lofty mountain chains; the countries included are Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. ... South of the IGAP lies the rocky landmass of Peninsular India.The Himalayan Mountain range provided a barrier between the Ancient Indian civilizations and the rest of Asia, providing protection from invasion. Water from rain and melting snow in the mountains also flowed down in the form of rivers, namely the Indus and Ganges, providing rich soil.