The star duck discussion
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The Star ducks by Bill BrownReview “The Star ducks” is a science fction short story written by Bill Brown. The Star duck was published in 195 in a well!known "a#a$ine o%
Fantasy and science fction
. &ost o% Bill Brown stories are based on hispersonal e'periences durin# the (orld (ar )) and his voya#es around theworld. *ven thou#h he had died without receivin# any reco#nition %or hisworks+ his stories will be re"e"bered %or his brilliant i"a#ination andwitty style. )n this story in particular+ Brown,s "essa#e is to hi#hli#ht+ ina %unny and clever way+ the di-erent values and li%e style betweencountry people and those who lived in the city round the 5,s. The plot revolves around (ard Ra-erty+ a reporter o% The Ti"es+ who iscalled %ro" the city to the country to investi#ate a "ysterious planecrash near the lsop %ar". t the "o"ent he arrives at the %ar"+ he hasto %ace a series o% incidents and unusual event typical o% “The ThreeStoo#es”. The lsops are not aware that the airplane crash occurred intheir property "any year a#o was+ in %act+ an alien landin#. &r. and &rs.lsop are na/ve %olks who lives isolated and have little contact to theoutside world0 %or that reason+ they are uite unlikely to reali$e thea"a$in# encounter %ro" outer space. (ard Ra-erty+ on the contrary+ isdesperate to #ather evidence to prove the e'istence o% other %or" o% li%e.2espite that the characters are not well!developed+ the plot is absolutelyrivetin#. Thou#ht!out the story one cannot help but to sy"pathi$e withRa-erty,s "is%ortunes.)% you want to have a #ood lau#h+ ) would reco""end this short story. )t
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1. They are formed by the aggregate of a large number of atoms or molecules which generally have diameters less than 1 nm, e.g., sols of gold, sulphur etc.
2. Lyophobic sols: These sols are usually formed by the inorganic materials like metals, their sulphides etc.They are irreversible in nature i.e. once precipitated cannot return the colloidal sol by simply addition of the dispersion medium.
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