Biology, asked by owaisrahmat67, 1 month ago

The statement concerning food tests may be true or false (untrue). Indicate the food(s) for which this statement is true. ''The test can be carried out on a solution of the test material in water

The answers are
Reducing sugars
Vit C


Answered by spammingqueen8319


Goto Course Page

1. Introduction

What will I learn in this lesson?

2. Key Concepts


Composition of Food

Tests to Check for Nutrients

Importance of Nutrients

Balanced Diet

Deficiency Diseases

3. Quiz

4. Did You Know?

Excessive weight

Fish oil benefits

Squid as topping on pizza



Fruit on moon

Glue in junk food

To stimulate hunger



Fruit skin




Develop photo film

Vitamin A

Classroom Activities

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Logo inverted circle

Components of Food

Everything Is Everything - I

Tests to Check for Nutrients

We can test ingredients and food items to check the presence of one or more nutrients.

The tests for carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are easy to perform.

For carrying out these tests, we need solutions of iodine, copper sulphate, and caustic soda. Clean test tubes and a rubber dropper are also needed.

Testing different food items to see if they contain carbohydrates. There are many types of carbohydrates.

The main carbohydrates found in our food are in the form of starch and sugar.

Test for Starch

Test for starch is done to know if the food has carbohydrates.

When drops of copper sulphate are applied to food, a blue-black colour shows the presence of starch (carbohydrates).

Test for Proteins

When a few drops of a solution of copper sulphate and caustic soda are applied to a part of food, a violet colour shows the presence of proteins.

Test for Fats

An oily patch on paper shows that the food has fats.

The food items may sometimes contain a little water.

Therefore, after you have rubbed an item on paper, let the paper dry for a while. If there were any water that may have come from food, it would dry up after some time.

If no oily patch shows up after this, the food item does not contain any fat.

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