The stomach acids of snake can digest bones and teeth , but not hair and fur . Why ?
Even though snakes can digest bones, they cannot digest fur. Hair/fur is made from keratin, the same substance that nails, claws, and horns are made from. It’s keratin’s unique qualities that make it indigestible.
Keratin is entirely insoluble in hot or cold water. So, if you put it in water, it won’t break down no matter how hot the water is.
It also can’t be broken down by the enzymes found in the stomach or gut. These enzymes break down protein molecules.
According to the Journal of Structural Biology, keratin is formed of filaments in a ‘protein matrix’, which is like a sheet of proteins.
But these filaments cross and overlap each other, forming a protective barrier that stops the overall structure being broken down. This is like how carbon fiber is made.
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