The story ‘A Triumph of Surgery’ revolves around an ill dog named Tricki and his mistress, Mrs Pumphrey. Question 1. When I opened the door, Tricky trotted out and was immediately engulfed by Joe, the greyhound, and his friends. After rolling him over and thoroughly inspecting him, the dogs moved off down the garden. Tricky followed them, rolling slightly with his surplus fat. (a) What happened when the door was opened? (b) What did they do? (c) Who is ‘I’ in these lines? (d) Where did the dogs go after inspecting Tricky?The dog was hugely fat. His eyes were blood-red and rheumy. Mrs Pumphrey gave her malt, cod-liver oil and bowl of Horlicks. Still, Tricki had no energy. The doctor advised her to cut down on sweet things. Tricki left eating and kept vomiting. He was to be hospitalised. The doctor gave Tricki nothing to eat for the first two days except water. On the third day, there were signs of improvement. He started taking food properly. The doctor didn’t give him any medical treatment. Tricki used to run around and play with the other dogs cheerfully. Soon, he recovered completely. Mrs Pumphrey continued enquiring about Tricki on phone. When she came to collect the dog, tears were shining in her eyes. She called this magical recovery: ‘A Triumph of Surgery’.
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