the story midnight visitor deals with
The Midnight visitor is a detective story and its writer is Robert Arthur. This article is about the midnight visitor summary. Ausable is a detective. He is one such secret agent, who expects to get some sensitive papers in his hotel room. But one of his rival Max attacked him at the gunpoint, and he demands the papers. But, Ausable showed a remarkable common sense and he came out of this situation. Fowler, his friend was surprised to see a secret agent Ausable, who was too fat to be a secret agent based on his physical appearance.
For Fowler the situation was scary. But, Ausable, sensing the danger, fabricated a brilliant story about the non-existent balcony on which Max believed. Ausable again befooled Max by saying that the police were knocking at the door. Max wanted to run away to avoid the police and jumps to his death into that virtual balcony.
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