English, asked by ns358771, 5 months ago



Answered by indrakshi64


Human communication

Human communication, or anthroposemiotics, is the field dedicated to understanding how humans communicate. Human communication is grounded in cooperative and shared intentions. Our ability to communicate with one another cannot be possible without an understanding of what we are referencing or thinking about. Because we are unable to fully understand another's perspective, there needs to be a creation of commonality through a shared mindset and/or viewpoint.[1] The field of communication is very diverse. There are multiple layers to what communication is and how we use its different sectors and features as human beings.

Humans have communicatory abilities other animals do not. For example, we are able to communicate about time and place as though they are solid objects. Humans communicate to request help, to inform others, and to share attitudes for bonding.[1] Communication is a joint activity largely dependent on the ability to maintain common attention. We share relevant background knowledge and joint experience in order to communicate content and coherence in exchanges.[2]

The evolution of human communication took place over a long period of time. We evolved from simple pointing and hand gestures to the use of spoken language. Most face-to-face communication requires visually reading and following communication from the other person, offering replying gestures in return, and maintaining eye contact throughout the interaction.[1] As humans, we have an obligation to communicate in the way we are taught in our youth, and if one layer of communication grows, they all do. In a way, the layers work as a system, which coordinate with one another to formulate what the field of human communication is.

Answered by KaurSukhvir


Human communication:-

  • Human beings were made to communicate. Communication is one of the most important factors needed for human beings to thrive. One can argue with someone or about something is that as important as breathing.
  • It can impact your mental wellbeing, when you don’t have access or the means for a set period of time to communicate with another person.
  • Communication is a process of sending and receiving information. This can be face to face, through books, through the internet, newspapers, etc. The spreading or gaining of knowledge and information.
  • The development of the internet not only allowed people to have better access to information and knowledge in all fields, but also made it easier and faster to communicate with people all around the world.
  • Human communication is the foundation of all human relationship. These relationships are formed ae well as stabilized when there is enough communication and interaction.
  • Communicating helps people to express their ideas and feelings. It  helps to understand emotions and thoughts of the other person.
  • Through communication, we develop affection or hatred towards other people. It results the positive or negative relationships are created.

So, communication plays a important role in the human life and its necessity cannot and should not be underestimated.

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