the story of Oedipus the Rex?
Prior to the start of Oedipus Rex, Oedipus has become the king of Thebes while unwittingly fulfilling a prophecy that he would kill his father, Laius (the previous king), and marry his mother, Jocasta (whom Oedipus took as his queen after solving the riddle of the Sphinx).
Characters: Laius, Jocasta, Creon, Tiresias, Oedipus, Polybus of Corinth, Sopochles
Author: Sigmund Freud, Philosophic Meaning in Sophocles
Playwright: Sophocles, Sigmund Freud
Subjects: Greek tragedy
Prior to the start of Oedipus Rex, Oedipus has become the king of Thebes while unwittingly fulfilling a prophecy that he would kill his father, Laius (the previous king), and marry his mother, Jocasta (whom Oedipus took as his queen after solving the riddle of the Sphinx).
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