The story of village ch 2 economic class 9
The Story of Village
The Palampur village has around 450 families which belong to different caste and creeds. The main activity of Palampur is farming and 80 families of the upper caste own the majority of land in Palampur. ... Many of the houses in the village are well equipped with electricity.
In the basic facts of economics, production and demand is a basic idea and it occupies the top position. To show the same factor, we will go into the subject of an imaginary village today. The name of this village is ‘Palampur’, which will be understood in easy words as a summary and study it. From the story of Palampur village, you will know-how goods, services and different resources are adjusted to meet the needs of the people.
The main activity of Palampur village is agriculture, while other activities like small-scale manufacturing, dairy, transport etc. are done at a limited level. Palampur is connected to the surrounding villages and towns. Raiganj is a large village which is located three kilometres from Palampur. Talking about the traffic system of Palampur village, it can be seen here from bullock carts, buffaloes, and other types of vehicles like motorcycles, jeeps, tractors and trucks.
There are about 450 families belonging to different castes in this village. Some of whom are upper caste or scheduled caste (Dalit) people. There are 80 upper caste families in the village, most landlords. The houses of these people are very large and made of brick and cement. The number of scheduled caste people is one-third of the total population of the village. These people live in very small houses in one corner of the village and these houses are made of mud and thatch.
Electricity facilities are available in most of the houses in Palampur. At the level of education, the arrangements made here are one high school and two primary schools. Hence, a state primary health centre and a private hospital exist for the treatment of patients.
Like every village in India, the main activity of the village of Palampur is agriculture. Different activities include small manufacturing, transportation, shopkeeping etc. These activities are called non-agricultural activities.