The story Root has a moral to convey what is your opinion about it
If the story-tellers could ha’ got decency and good morals from true stories, who’d have troubled to invent parables?” – Thomas Hardy, Under the Greenwood Tree
Do all stories convey a moral?
Stories, well most of them, are designed to relay a message about the thoughts and feelings of an author regarding a certain issue. I guess, to some extent, every story has a moral, whether hidden, cryptic, implied, or preachy, because every story wants to tell you something. Every story wants to give you a message, a little bit of wisdom, so that you might learn and become enlightened by it. Think about it; from the simplest children’s book to the most complex novel ever written, all of those stories relay messages about courage, love, faith, right and wrong, or how not to do things. Even the comedic books, although sometimes mostly gibberish, can relay the moral to not take life too seriously. So, yes, morals can be found in any story, I think.