Physics, asked by 3689arfat, 19 days ago

The student has several other rods made from different kinds of plastic.
Some rods can be charged positively and some can be charged negatively.
Describe an experiment to show that different rods have different types of charge.
You may draw a diagram to help your answer.


Answered by sanjayakg78920


Some of the most basic characteristics of static electricity include:

The effects of static electricity are explained by a physical quantity not previously introduced, called electric charge.

There are only two types of charge, one called positive and the other called negative.

Like charges repel, whereas unlike charges attract.

The force between charges decreases with distance.

How do we know there are two types of electric charge? When various materials are rubbed together in controlled ways, certain combinations of materials always produce one type of charge on one material and the opposite type on the other. By convention, we call one type of charge “positive”, and the other type “negative.” For example, when glass is rubbed with silk, the glass becomes positively charged and the silk negatively charged. Since the glass and silk have opposite charges, they attract one another like clothes that have rubbed together in a dryer. Two glass rods rubbed with silk in this manner will repel one another, since each rod has positive charge on it. Similarly, two silk cloths so rubbed will repel, since both cloths have negative charge. Figure 2 shows how these simple materials can be used to explore the nature of the force between charges.

(a) Negatively charged cloth is attracted to the positively charged glass rod which is hanging by the thread. (b) A positively charged glass rod is hanging with a thread. When another positively charged glass rod brought close to the first rod it deflects due to the repulsive force. (c) Two negatively charged silk cloth brought close to each other repel each other.

Figure 2. A glass rod becomes positively charged when rubbed with silk, while the silk becomes negatively charged. (a) The glass rod is attracted to the silk because their charges are opposite. (b) Two similarly charged glass rods repel. (c) Two similarly charged silk cloths repel.

More sophisticated questions arise. Where do these charges come from? Can you create or destroy charge? Is there a smallest unit of charge? Exactly how does the force depend on the amount of charge and the distance between charges? Such questions obviously occurred to Benjamin Franklin and other early researchers, and they interest us even today.

Answered by pavankumaraadithya


The student has several other rods made from different kinds of plastic.

Some rods can be charged positively and some ca...

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