The study of chemical, physical and micro biological nature of food and any transformation that food undergoes as reflected in its characteristics and properties.
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Knowledge of the physicochemical properties of potential chemical alternatives is a requirement of the alternatives assessment process for two reasons. First, the inherent hazard of a chemical, such as its capacity to interfere with normal biological processes, and its physical hazards and environmental fate (degradation, persistence) are determined by its intrinsic physicochemical properties and the system with which it is interacting. For organic and inorganic chemicals, these intrinsic properties are determined by molecular structure, while for materials, they are determined by composition, size, structure, and morphology. Second, physicochemical properties can be used to eliminate from consideration chemicals that are likely to exhibit particular physical or toxicological hazards. As important as these data are, obtaining them is relatively fast and inexpensive, and can be readily done at the initial stages of the alternatives assessment.
This chapter provides a general background on physicochemical properties and briefly reviews experimental and computational methods that could be used to determine physicochemical properties. Current approaches for assessing physicochemical properties in several alternatives assessment frameworks are then discussed, followed by the details behind assessment of physicochemical properties and their relevance in predicting environmental fate and transport and human health hazards and ecotoxicity. Finally, the committee provides additional instructions on the implementation