Chemistry, asked by shrikrushna567, 1 month ago

the sub multiple Pico is equal to A) 10-15, B)10-6,C)10-9,D)10-12​


Answered by hardiksharma50


SI prefixes

See also prefixes for binary multiples adopted by the IEC.

The 20 SI prefixes used to form decimal multiples and submultiples of SI units are given in Table 5.

Table 5.  SI prefixes

Factor Name  Symbol

1024 yotta Y

1021 zetta Z

1018 exa E

1015 peta P

1012 tera T

109 giga G

106 mega M

103 kilo k

102 hecto h

101 deka da


Factor Name  Symbol

10-1 deci d

10-2 centi c

10-3 milli m

10-6 micro µ

10-9 nano n

10-12 pico p

10-15 femto f

10-18 atto a

10-21 zepto z

10-24 yocto y


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