the sum of the place value of 8,6 and 3 in the smallest number is------ ,the difference of the place value of 8 and 4 in the greatest number is------, the product of the place value and face value of 7 in the greatest number is------?
Examples on place value:
1. Find the difference between the place value and face value of digit 6 in the numeral 2960543.
Place value of digit 6 in 2960543 = 60000
Face value of digit 6 in 2960543 = 6
Their difference = 60000 - 6 = 59994
2. Find the product of the place values of two 4s in the numeral 30426451.
The place value of 4 in hundreds place = 400
The place value of 4 in hundred thousand place = 400000
Their product = 400000 × 400 = 160000000.
Problems Related to Place Value
3. Write the smallest 5-digit number:
(a) having 5 different digits
(b) having 8 in thousands place
(c) having 9 in ones place
(a) The smallest 5 different digits are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Therefore, the smallest 5-digit number having 5-different digits 10234
(b) The smallest 5-digit number having 8 in thousands place is 18023.
(c) The smallest 5-digit number having 9 in ones place is 10239.
4. Write the largest 4-digit number:
(a) having 4-different digits
(b) having 3 in tens place
(c) having 5 in hundreds place
(a) The largest 4-different digits are 9, 8, 7, 6.
Therefore, the largest 4-digit number having 4 different digits = 9876
(b) The largest 4-digit number having 3 in tens place = 9837
(c) The largest 4-digit number having 5 in hundreds place = 9587Examples on place value:

Step-by-step explanation:
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