English, asked by pranth, 1 year ago

The summary of the movie 'triangle'.


Answered by gbalaji

Three high school buddies, Stu (Luke Perry), Tommy (Dan Cortese) and Gus (David Hewlett), decide to go on a pleasure cruise through the Bermuda Triangle. Stu's fiancee, Julia (Polly Shannon), insists on attending.

When they arrive in Bermuda, Gus and Tommy stumble across a voodoo sacrifice. Gus takes a photo, causing a voodoo priestess to utter a curse under her breath, so they leave.

When Tommy, Gus, Stu and Julia get to the dock, they find that their chartered boat is a wrecker run by Captain Morgan (Dorian Harewood) and Charlie (Olivia d'Abo). They agree to go out. While diving, Julia sees the ghost of a little boy and begins to drown. A heavy fog engulfs the boat and the electronic equipment on board begins to malfunction. Suddenly a large ship, the RMS Queen of Scots, appears on the horizon. Everyone agrees to board the vessel in order to try and salvage parts to fix Morgan's boat.

They quickly find the captain's log, and they realize that the Queen of Scots was experiencing similar technical difficulties. Morgan insists that he can repair it, and everyone splits up to search for the ship's power source. Morgan and Tommy discover an elevator that is running without power descend to their level. When the door opens, a cricket ball rolls out. They find that Morgan's boat has drifted away.

Captain Morgan decides to go back down to the engine room and try to get the engine running, and they split up again. While in a room, Gus sees the same ghost that Stu's fiancee saw, and suffers a fatal heart attack. Stu encounters a vault filled with money and an old cricket bat. He is gathering money when Julia intervenes and tries to stop him, but he kills her in a fit of rage.

Tommy and Charlie both awake from the same nightmare, and discover Gus's body. They frantically search for Stu, but they only find Julia's bloodied flashlight outside the ship's vault. Stu sneaks up on them and throw them in the ballast, locks the door, and begins to flood the compartment with ballast water. They find Julia's body and realize that Stu killed her.

Captain Morgan is still working in the engine room and doesn't hear any of the previous commotion. Stu confronts him, and Captain Morgan is mortally wounded. Before he dies, he tells Tommy that Stu is acting like one of the original passengers on the final voyage of the Queen of Scots, who went crazy and killed everyone with a cricket bat.

Tommy and Charlie attempt to escape, but Stu pursues them. Tommy pushes Stu through a pane of glass, and he and Charlie cover the boat with petrol and attempts to board the small dinghy that originally came from Captain Morgan's boat. Charlie boards the dinghy, but before Tommy has the chance, he is attacked by a bloodied Stu. Charlie loosens the pulley while the cords are entangled around Stu's feet causing him to be pulled off the ship and hanged. Tommy escapes to the dinghy, and the ship suddenly comes back to life and begins to pursue them. Tommy shoots a flare at the Queen of Scots, igniting the petrol and causing it to explode.

Their dinghy is discovered by patrolmen, and Tommy and Charlie tell them their story. The patrol men are shocked to learn that they are survivors from Captain Morgan's ship, and just before the credits roll a radio broadcast is heard that reveals that Captain Morgan's boat was lost at sea over four years ago, while the movie seemingly transpires over a single day, implying the Bermuda Triangle is a wormhole.

pranth: Thank u so much
pranth: But the story which u told is not crrct
gbalaji: its correct
Answered by elisaannaolaf03


there is no starting and ending point.


While preparing to take her autistic son Tommy on a boat trip with her friend Greg, Jess hears the doorbell ring, but no one is there. She later arrives at a harbor in Florida without Tommy, explaining that he is at school, and boards Greg's boat. She meets Greg's married friends Sally and Downey, Sally's friend Heather, and Victor, a runaway teen living with Greg. While out at sea, the wind dies and a storm approaches, and they pick up a distress signal while radioing the coast guard. The storm capsizes the boat, during which Heather is swept out into the water, and the others climb onto the overturned boat when the storm clears.

They board an ocean liner as it passes; it appears to be deserted, yet there is fresh food in a dining room. Jess experiences a growing sense of déjà vu as they explore. They find Jess's keys in a corridor near a display case for Aeolus, the ship's namesake, leading Sally to believe Heather has also boarded. Jess soon spots someone watching them and Victor gives chase. She and Greg continue on and find "Go To Theater" written in blood on a mirror. After they part, she returns to the dining room, where the food is now rotting. Victor enters, covered in blood, and tries to kill Jess; she fights him off by aggravating a wound at the back of his head. She hears gunfire and follows it to a theater, where Greg lies dead of a gunshot. Sally and Downey tell Jess that Greg told them she shot him. They accuse her of sending them to the theater. A burlap-masked shooter kills them from a balcony and chases Jess to an outside deck; she fights back and disarms the shooter, who tells her "You have to kill them; it's the only way to get home" before falling overboard.

She soon hears yelling and sees herself and the others alive on Greg's upturned boat. After they board, Jess becomes the earlier unseen figure: she drops her keys near the display case and is spotted shortly after. She attempts to warn Victor when he catches up to her, only to accidentally impale his head on a wall hook. She flees deeper into the ship and finds dozens of duplicates of the shooter's outfit, shotgun, her own locket, and a note saying to kill them all when they board. She takes a shotgun, intending to "change the pattern", but the shooter, another Jess, kills Greg and Downey before mortally wounding Sally with a knife.

The first Jess chases Sally, who sends the distress signal heard on Greg's boat. Jess catches up to her on an upper deck filled with dozens of Sally corpses, and Sally succumbs to her wound as, below them, the newest Jess kills the shooter Jess. The overturned boat returns again, and Jess realizes the loop restarts once everyone is killed. Desperate to stop and ultimately prevent the loop, Jess sets everything from the first loop into motion, with herself as the shooter. After she is disarmed during the fight on the front deck, she urges her counterpart to kill everyone when they return, and falls overboard.

She awakens washed ashore and discovers that it is the same morning. She returns home and watches from outside her house as her double abuses Tommy out of anger toward his autism. Promising to change, she distracts her counterpart with the doorbell, then kills her, puts the bagged body in the car trunk, and leaves with Tommy. A seagull hits their windshield and dies, but when she picks it up and disposes of it, she sees a pile of dead seagulls. Realizing that she is still trapped in the loop, Jess hurriedly drives away, but she crashes into a truck and Tommy is killed and the earlier double (who Jess killed) is seen dead at the scene. In the aftermath, the real Jess stands watching the accident scene. A taxi driver approaches her and she accepts a ride to the harbor. After promising to return, she joins the others on Greg's boat, starting the loop again.

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