English, asked by sainirajesh830, 1 year ago

The Summer of the beautiful white horse

Justify the title of the story "The Summer of the beautiful white horse".

How did Mourad and Aram take care of the beautiful white horse while it was with them ?

What did Mourad and Aram share in a great measure ?


Answered by upenderjoshi28
1. The chapter is about a childhood incident that the author writes about with nostalgia. He remembers how one early summer morning, his cousin, Mourad brought a beautiful white horse to enjoy riding. The riding was full of childish thrill. Since the incident happened in the summer; and since the incident was about riding a stolen white horse, the title is perfectly justified. 

2. As long as they kept the horse for early morning rides, they took great care of the horse. They had chosen a deserted barn of a farmer. The fodder at the barn was available abundantly; the horse always ate its fill. Apart from the food, they treated the horse very lovingly. The horse had become better in all aspects, as was confirmed by John Byro, the owner of the horse later.

3. Both Aram and Mourad were crazy about horses. This is clear from the fact that Mourad stole the horse, which was quite against the ethics of the tribe. Secondly, Aram also didn't go to any of the elders of his family to complain against Mourad's theft. Rather, he pleaded Mourad not to return the horse to its owner he had learnt it completely. Their passion for riding can be judged from the fact that both the cousins went riding early in the morning when the entire world around them slept. They were so crazy about riding! 
Answered by loxia

The story "the Summer of the Beautiful White Horse" is about the two boys Aram and Mourad and a horse which they have stolen. The story revolves around the process of stealing the horse and returning it back to its owner. It is a story of a day in which the boys opted to ride the horse and keep it a secret from the others. Although they wanted to keep the horse with themselves, they returned it because for their tribe honesty was of some importance.

Both Aram and Mourad loved horses very much and the horse which they have stolen was very dear to them. In order to keep the horse, they chose a barn of a farmer to keep it secretly. They gave the horse the fodder to eat and took very good care of it.

Both the cousins, Aram and Mourad were fond of horses. Although it was against the ethics of their tribe still they both were equally responsible for the dead. They both wanted to keep the horse and ride it. Their love and fondness for the horse was the thing which was so common in them.  

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