The sun rises two hour earlier in eastern part of Arunqchal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat ?
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Hi friend,
The sun rises two hours earlier in eastern part of Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat.The longitudinal gap between these two places is 30°.So, there is time difference. But though it rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh,the clocks are set with same time.This is because of standard meridian. That is 82°30'E.So to follow the same time entire India, the clocks are so adjusted with same time.
hope it helps you
The sun rises two hours earlier in eastern part of Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat.The longitudinal gap between these two places is 30°.So, there is time difference. But though it rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh,the clocks are set with same time.This is because of standard meridian. That is 82°30'E.So to follow the same time entire India, the clocks are so adjusted with same time.
hope it helps you
Lon ans
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It can be possible,it maybe clods are they in Gujarat.
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