The sun rises two hours earlier in arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west. But the clocks show the same time. How does this happen?
Indian stranded time
if IST not there it to difficult and many problems we will face so india got up with idea IST Indian stranded time
1. India, the seventh biggest country in the globe and it has a vast longitudinal extent. India is located between 687’E and 9725’E. The longitudinal variation between the easternmost (Arunachal Pradesh) and westernmost (Gujarat) limits is approximate 30
2. As we notice that the sun takes four minutes to cross 1 longitude. (One rotation completed by the earth in 24 hours that means 1440 min. Total no. of longitudes is 360. Therefore 1440 ÷ 360= 4min)
3. So, to cross 30 longitudes, it will take 120 minutes or 2 hours.
4. To avoid confusion of time difference along the longitudes 8230’E is considered as the quality Meridian of our India. Therefore, all the places in India have the same time.
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