the sunrises in the east transitive Or intransitive
Transitive verb
Transitive verb are those verbs which follows object
The verb rise is an intransitive one because there can be no object in a sentence using to rise
The sun rises in the East. Is a transitive or intransitive sentence?
Does the statement give an answer to what and whom?
If not, then it is an example of intransitive sentence.
The Sun rises in the east : What and whom?
The Sun rises : What : no answer
Whom : no answer
So, it is an intransitive sentence.
On the other hand
I eat an apple a day.
I eat : what: an apple
So, here it is an example of a transitive sentence.
The transitive sentences can be changed into passive voice whereas intransitive verbs cannot be changed into passive.
For example: An apple a day is eaten by me.(Passive voice)