English, asked by atulshukla5391, 1 year ago

The swallow decided to never leave the Happy Prince. What does this tell us about the swallow?
Was it wise of the bird to take such a decision?​
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Answered by hearthacker54


The prince thought that the swallow was going to leave for Egypt and he said that it was a good decision. But the swallow told him that he was going to die and saying so he kissed the Happy Prince on the lips and fell down to death at his feet. He was even more shocked to find a dead bird at its feet.


thanks for the answer mate mark as brainliest

Answered by ankitvijayaraj


yes the swallow was wise.


After donating all the jewels and the eyes from he happy prince,the swallow decided not to leave as the prince could not see anything from there on.Swallow felt sad and decided he would never leave the happy prince after looking at how big of a heart he has and how he helped everyone to overcome thei misery.

hope u understood

pls mark as brainliest ಠ ೧ ಠ

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