Biology, asked by banditanaik204, 1 year ago

the swollen region in the ovary attaching the ovules to the wall of the ovary is called _ ​


Answered by gulistamalik9058


placenta are soft cushion like tissue with which the ovules are attached to the inner surface of ovary wall

Answered by SrijanB2022

What is the placenta (in the case of plants)?

The ovules in an ovary are not scattered within the ovary but are arranged in a definite pattern.
The ovules (premature seeds) are attached to the ovarian wall by a swollen, cushion-like part of tissue known as the placenta.

What are placentation and its types?

The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known as placentation.

The different types of placentation are:

  1. Marginal: The ovules are arranged marginally along the ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary. E.g., pea.
  2. Axile: The placenta is placed in the axial position and the ovules are attached to it in a multilocular ovary. E.g., China rose, Tomato, Lemon, etc.
  3. Parietal: Here the ovary is one chambered but it becomes two chambered due to the formation of a false septum. E.g., Mustard, Argemone, etc.
  4. Free Central: The ovules remain attached to the central axis and septa are absent in the ovary. E.g., Primrose, Dianthus, etc.
  5. Basal: The placenta develops at the base of the ovary and has a single ovule attached to it. E.g., Sunflower and Marigold.

You may refer to the image for better visualisation.


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