English, asked by rahulkumar3232r, 2 months ago

The system of education in our country is defective. It is not keeping pace with the passage of time. It follows

the pattern which was valid five decades ago.

The aim of education is to prepare students for the tough battle of life. The basic needs of life are a sound mind

in a sound body, and skill to make a living. It widens the sphere of knowledge and builds our character. In short,

education should turn out a strong team of responsible citizens.

Education must be related to life and the needs of the nation. Not gold but only men of character make a nation

great and strong.

It is unfortunate that our policymakers give little importance to moral education and noble values. They set up

schools and colleges only to turn out an army of graduates, good for nothing. We need men with brain, we need

good scientists and technicians, we need tough soldiers for the army.

Education for all sounds sweet. But mere slogans and schemes on paper won’t take us far. Our leaders don’t

have the will to serve the nation. Also, schemes fail at the ground level.

1. Answer the following questions.

a. Why education in our country is defective?

b. What is the aim of education and what does it do?

c. What according to the passage education must do?

d. What do you mean by, ‘slogans and schemes on paper won’t take us far’.

2. Find words from the above passage that mean the opposite to-

(a) soft/delicate

(b) sickly/weak

(c) near

(d) succeed.


Answered by adilpa809


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