English, asked by Daivik210, 1 year ago

The tale of custard the dragon. Explain. ​


Answered by Anonymous


THE TALE OF CUSTARD THE DRAGON is a humourous ballad written by Ogden Nash. The poet presents a woman Belinda who lives with her pets in her little red house.

She has a black kitten- Ink, a grey mouse- Blink, a yellow dog- Mustard and a DRAGON- CUSTARD.

The dragon never used to boast off his qualities or strength unlike the others who always did this.

Custard used to cry for a nice, safe cage.

However when a pirate enters their house, all the others run away except CUSTARD who GOBBLED him completely. Even after this Custard agrees that everyone is braver than him.

This poem is a parody.

Poetic devices:

  • Similies
  • Repitition
  • Alliteration
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Transfered epithet
  • Allusion

Hope this helps you mate

Please mark as brainliest..

Answered by Anonymous


it is true that bravery and courage of situation and spontaneous . this fact has been aptly conveyed in the poem The tale of custard the dragon where in the dragon was considered a coward . He was laughed at for crying for a nice safe cage.

He never boasted of his bravery and courage, unlike Bathinda and other pets do.

everyone else, including Belinda, ink, blink and mustard claim to be brave the even made fun of customs covid ise however when the time to show their courage came none of them could face a danger the head themselves in some corner of the house it was only custard there to face the frightening pirate he not only for the pirate but also ate him up.

it was a dangerous situation to which custard spontaneous is founded his courage and behaviour came out in a threatening situation and it is true that qualities like courage and previous situation and spontaneous

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